My notes regarding the bouquet read: Intense aromas of strawberries, cola, plum and spice (cloves). After sitting a bit, distinct notes of cocoa emerged.
Another member came along later and mentioned that when he tasted this, he recalls "Very pleasant black cherry and herbal aromas and flavors."
So I revisited the open bottle tonight, and found that his description was so much more accurate than mine was. I totally got what he was talking about.
Which led me to begin thinking that perhaps the reason I often make such lousy choices in men that I date is because my perceptions are just all screwy!!
I'm sensing "complicated, challenging, and bitter-sweet" whereas someone else with more finely-honed senses and a more intelligent emotional repetoire would report "disconjuncted, abrasive and contradictory". Or maybe just "jerk, moron, loser".
Anyway...just my "too-deep" thought for the evening. This is what happens when you're all alone on an island, thousands of miles from home! Oh, who am I kidding...I think this way all the time:-)
Always said a little fine honing works wonders with women!
Guess who?
Guess who? Not sure, but I'd have to go with one of two of my previous co-workers who are now working together at another company.
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