Friday, November 6, 2009

I Miss Working

Not the mind-numbing aspect of the Monday-Friday, 9-5 schedule. Nor spending the entire day under fluorescent lights, surrounded by artificial air that is usually 10 degrees too cold. Nor feeling like my main job is trying desperately to retain clients and employees whom the corporate office seems intent on driving away.

But I miss joining with others in a common goal, and working towards that goal with creativity and having some fun along the way.

And, let's face it...I miss a regular paycheck.

I think of this whenever I'm driving through town and I see people engaged in work; the guys in the mechanic's shop hoisting machinery, the shopkeepers engaged in conversation with customers, the immigrants laying down a stone wall for a new house.

I wish that I could find something here that would occupy me in that way, if only part-time, if only temporarily. I'm sure there must be something, but I have yet to figure out what it might be. Granted, I haven't really looked too hard...

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