Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crazy People

They make me uncomfortable. So today at the beach I did my best to avoid eye contact with a very nice looking young man who was walking up and down the beach talking to himself, splashing around in the water yelling and singing unintelligibly, and making kissing noises at each woman he saw as he walked by them. It was all the more disturbing that there weren't that many people on the beach today at all, thereby increasing the chance that he would zero in on me at some point.

Which indeed he did, walking up to me and asking me the time. His accent let me know that he wasn't a native English speaker, but his English was very good. I took my cell phone out of my purse and showed him the display with the time. He thanked me and began to walk off and then turned around and asked me where I was from, and I just shook my head and told him I didn't want to talk. With that he went away, and I felt grateful and just a little sad for him.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Oh come on, you don't want to converse with the loons?