But not before we almost plunged to our death from a precarious, treacherous mountain pass. We decided to take a "short cut" to Falasarna, a beach on the west side of the island that has some ancient ruins nearby. Big mistake, we went as far as we could before deciding that the undercarriage of the car couldn't take any more abuse (especially after my little accident in town the other day). We had to pull a 20 or so point turn at this point...the ditch on the right side was faced by a steep drop-off on the other side, of which we tried to take a photo but which didn't really convey the fact that had I pressed the gas petal just a bit too far/fast, I wouldn't be around to write this now. Merit was in front and back of the car as I maneuvered, directing me every literal inch of the way. We ended up taking the "long way" after that, along the main road, which took us a whole 15 minutes.
So we finally arrived and had some fun in the sun...
And then headed back home to meet up with our neighbor, Helene (put a little accent egu or whatever it's called in there...she's French Canadian) to go into town for a drink and some dinner. Pictured below is the ubiqutous shots of Raki, which comes to everyone free after every meal, along with a sweet of some sort. It's basically moonshine, but it's rude not to drink it so we do.
And here is just some of the fantastic views we enountered on our drive...before we hit that horrible mountain pass.
So, did you go on the boat with the mysterious man?
Your new career - travel writer that specializes in wine, Adonises (literal and figurative), adventure, and avoiding disasters. Move over Helen Fielding! I'm serious - I promise to design the covers for ya! :)
Didn't end up going out w/ Adonis on the boat...it was too windy. We weren't necessarily disappointed since we had no idea what to expect anyway.
Didn't end up going out w/ Adonis on the boat...it was too windy. We weren't necessarily disappointed since we had no idea what to expect anyway.
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