Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear Santa

I know it's only August, but I was wondering if I could put in my requests a little early, especially since you're probably not really busy yet. And...I'm assuming you've caught up with technology and are online now, so hopefully this medium is a good way to reach you.

Nothing material, more along the lines of a couple of favors, and I've been a relatively good girl so we shouldn't have any problems there.

1) Bring Yannis back this week, preferably sooner rather than later. Last I heard from him, two days ago, he was somewhere in the mountains of Greece, sleeping out in the open with no certain idea of when he'd be back. Yesterday I tried to call but his cell phone has been shut off (which makes sense, because he probably has no way to charge it).

2) Let my laptop be fixed tomorrow like the man at the shop promised me it would be, and let it work like it's supposed to going forward. I promise never to download another Windows update again if so (that is, after all, what preceded this most recent "crash").

I am dreadfully out of sorts without the both of them, and would be deeply appreciative of any help you can give me in this department, in lieu of any actual "presents" in December.

Thank you, I hope you're enjoying your summer, and I take back what I said about not believing in you. Really.

Kyrstyn in Kreta

PS: Just read on Facebook that my cousin Jacqueline had to undergo a third surgery. Please add to the above list a return to health for her and a permanent resolution to her recent medical issues. I won't ask for anything else for Christmas ever again!


Geeky Dad in Annandale said...

Yes Santa we all will give up all our presents if you would just give Jaqueline the gift of a retun to full health.

Anonymous said...

yes Santa we definitely would. I think even Jacqueline herself would agree.